Friday, October 31, 2008

Using Herbs To Help with Menopause And Its Symptoms


Menopause is the period in a woman's life in which her reproductive system ceases to function in creating egg cells necessary for reproduction. The numerous symptoms of menopause can in fact be the cause of distress for a large amount of women. It is probably for these symptoms that natural herbs for menopause are sought after. There are several natural herbs for menopause that are notable in their efficacy in easing the discomfort felt at times. These may be in the form of herbal home remedies or remedies that require a woman to maintain a certain tonic.  

Black Cohosh 

Black cohosh is among the few natural herbs for menopause that have shown a positive effect for the women undergoing this difficult stage in life. This herb has properties that help women deal with stomach cramps and is suspected to help with estrogenic deficiency caused by menopause. Black cohosh herb is also showing great potential for treating hot flashes in women who have menopause. Although there are many other natural herbs for menopause, this one has undergone extensive studies and research and have shown great promise in controlling and dealing with menopause and its symptoms.   

The downside to this herb is that there is a time limit with which gynecologists recommend its usage. The reason for limiting the use of this herbal remedy for menopause is that the long term use can result to an increase risk of some forms of cancer. 


Ginseng is another of the few natural herbs for menopause that have shown potential in dealing with the symptoms and effects of menopause. This well known herb is derived from the root of the ginseng plant and has the capacity to treat emotional instability or depression which often accompany menopause. As one of the more effective natural herbs for menopause focused on emotional stability and anxiety, ginseng is most effective. It also has the capacity to stabilize the bodily functions of other vital organs and give the woman much needed sleep to deal with menopausal symptoms.  

Dong Quai 

This Chinese herb is among the natural herbs for menopause because it has the capacity to regulate the female reproductive system as well as is believed to have blood purifying effects. Lowering elevated blood pressure is another of the many benefits that one gets from this herb. 

These natural herbs for menopause are noted to have great positive effects on menopause and its symptoms. Further studies need to be taken in order to fully understand the capacity and the extent of these herbs' benefits.

Get rid of Male Yeast Infection Symptoms with Natural Cure

Male Yeast Infection is usually the result of using antibiotics for a prolonged period. It is harder to detect yeast infection in men than women because of the physical different in built between both genders. Men will go for a longer period not knowing that their condition is associated with candida and may possible be misdiagnosed by a doctor, if the condition is not examined properly.

Sometimes it may take the female partner to first inform the male that he has yeast infection because she has it as well. Doctors may prescribe an anti-fungal treatment, which does not cure the male yeast infection and so allows for a recurring yeast infection and a cycle of the same thing happening to both parties again.

During the time when a man and woman who has yeast infection perform sexual intercourse, the man’s urethra is vulnerable to the yeast infection because it is highly exposed at that time and the man will contract yeast infection from the woman. Male Yeast Infection is serious because the yeast can also affect the prostate glands and settle there. The same way that yeast swells bread, it is possible that it can swell the prostate glands as well.

Male yeast infection or penile yeast infection as it is sometimes called shows up with cracked and dry skin that can be painful during an erection.

Male Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection causes in men result from antibiotics as discussed before, yeast infection beer or alcohol, sex, products that contain wheat, sugar, peanuts, and a possible immune system that is week. Diabetic men are prone to develop yeast infection because of their high sugar level.

Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Male Yeast Infection Symptoms are seen in the form of constipation, problems with indigestion, sexual dysfunction, irritable mood swings, low energy, loss of memory, jock itch, skin itching, athletes foot, and prostate problems.

A Yeast Infection Looks Like

Dry and Scaly Skin

Redness in the penile area

Small blisters on penis head

White discharge in some cases

To cure your Yeast Infection, you might want to consider using home remedies such as cloves of garlic wrapped in cloth and applied with tea tree oil to the affected area daily, yogurt or its substitute, acidophilus, hot sitz bath diluted with vinegar and staying away from foods with yeast.

While there are many other natural remedies, these are only some of the natural cures mentioned

Get more information and pictures at Male Yeast Infection Here.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Supplements For Symptoms of Menopause

hot flashes

Beginning with the minute we are first conceived until our dieing breath, the quality of food and nutrition we feed our body plays an important role in determining our health, vitality and well-being. In the short term, a well balanced diet can help us look good, feel good and stay in shape. It will build our immune system to help fight off colds, viruses and diseases, boost energy levels and increase our strength and stamina.

In the long term, it will help protect against serious conditions such as heart problems, many forms of cancer, type II diabetes, cataracts, and high blood pressure. When you notice signs of symptoms of menopause, now is a crucial time to be following a healthy menopause diet and including particular foods, such as soy, is essential. Being aware of what you eat can help reduce or even eliminate symptoms of menopause and reduce the odds of weight gain.

Our fascination of health, nutrition and well being is the most it's ever been. The media, close friends and family all have their own opinions about what to eat and not to eat to protect our health. With this abundance of oftentimes inconsistent information, it can be a serious challenge to know who is right or what to eat. Not only that, but a lot of the time it appears as though all the health gurus are constantly changing their minds and moving the goal posts.

In actual fact the basic advice on what a healthy and balanced diet consists of is the same as it has ever been.

How To Get The Balance Right

There are several key ingredients in a nutritious diet but one of the most important is balance. All the various foods we eat can be categorized into 5 areas. To ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs, you'll want to ensure you eat some food from each group every day.

While going through the menopause, finding the balance will control how intensely you go through menopause symptoms.

All women go through differing degrees of menopause symptoms. Most women will have fairly mild symptoms of menopause. For others, even though in the minority, the signs of menopause will be quite severe and could be quite a difficult event. If that's you, don't worry, because there are a lot of acclaimed treatment for menopause options including natural herbs for menopause supplements that really do a help a lot for easing your symptoms almost entirely.

Different Acne Treatments Which Can Work For You

Although there are many acne treatments available on the market today, what might be deemed an effective acne product varies from person to person. Some of the factors involved during a search for acne treatments include a person's body chemistry, skin type and the severity of the acne. The search may be frustrating and disheartening at times, but once a person does find the right treatment, the results are well worth the effort.

To become and stay acne free, especially in the teenage years, proper skin care habits are an absolute necessity. The most important thing is to keep your skin clean so that your pores do not become clogged and infected with pimples. Essentially pimples are a kind of irritation of the skin, so even if you don't with to clean you face with soap and water one or two times per day, you essentially have to be careful not to over do it. Washing your face too often can dry it out, or damage your skin with excessive scrubbing. Blackheads, despite popular belief are not pores that are clogged with dirt, however rather are pores that are open and have ended up infected. No amount of washing will cure a blackhead, so there is no need to scrub away at them. A reasonable amount of sunlight can help improve acne, but getting a sunburn damages your skin, just like over washing. Using a water based sunscreen will help protect your skin. Similarly, if you are a person who wears makeup, be certain it is based on water and not based on oil, because oil makeup is a lot more likely to clog up your pores as well as resulting in break outs.

In most acne cases, over-the-counter acne treatments are sufficient. The most popular ingredients for these skin care products are benzoyl peroxide and sulfur. Benzoyl peroxide is an acne product that helps to dry out the oil on the skin, cleansing at the same time. Sulfur works to unclog pores and help the healing process along. When combined with other products, sulfur can decrease the amount of time it takes for your skin to heal.

For cases that are severe in nature, acne treatments might have to incorporate presription strength medication or treatments carried out by a dermatologist to result in being acne free. Numerous types of medications that are utilized to treat acne is exceedingly abrasive and has the potential to be painful, in additionton having other types of side effects. If a physician ends up prescribing a medication, it is a necessity to talk over the possible side effects, due to the fact that they can be pretty serious in some instances. Numerous dermatologists have ended up going to a therapy known as dermabrasion, which gets rid of skin cells which have died, and possibly scar tissue, to assist in the unclogging of pores as well as giving you a clearer complexion. The use of therapy with light is also used by dermatologists to fight acne-causing bacteria beneath the skin, in addition to laser therapy.

The search continues for perfect acne treatments that will help give all individuals an acne-free life. Unfortunately, this miracle cure does not exist yet and probably never will. With all the products and treatments available, though, there is something for everyone to help control break outs and severe acne. Over-the-counter products are good for mild to moderate cases of acne, while a qualified dermatologist best treats severe cases. Be prepared to try a few different acne treatments before you find the one that works best.

To learn more go to Acne Treatment and at Home Treatment For Acne also Acne cure

Different Types of Acne Products That You Can Buy

There are countless acne products that promise to make you acne free, but not all acne products work as well as advertised, especially on severe acne. Many of these acne products simply lure you in with these false promises. The effectiveness of an acne treatment depends largely on if you have severe acne, your skin type, your skin tone, and where breakouts occur.

Mild to moderate acne can be controlled with a large variety of acne products, but few products can make you completely acne free. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most common acne treatments and can be safely used by nearly anyone. Benzoyl peroxide works by killing the bacteria that causes acne while also drying your skin. Products with benzoyl peroxide can be used by people with a many different skin tones and is very effective at treating mild to moderate acne on the face.

Acne products that contain sulfur can also help people with mild to moderate acne. Sulfur is very effective because it unclogs the pores by removing dead cells while also promoting the healing process. Some sulfur products have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients to reduce redness and swelling while further preventing acne breakouts. 

Salicylic acid is used in acne products as an exfoliating agent. However, salicylic acid is very strong and is not recommended for use on the face or other areas with sensitive skin. It is commonly used to treat and prevent breakouts of back acne, and other acne on the body.

Acne products available on the market today may not clear up acne completely, but these products will help. The best thing you could do is learn proper skin care, as this will be your best defense against future outbreaks. There is no single miracle product for severe acne, but if you use the right products in combination with the proper amount of basic skin care, you will stand a better chance of preventing future acne outbreaks.

What are the mental effects of acne?

Acne may show a body's failure to properly deal with hormonal changes. Acne can indicate that a person is not dealing with stress effectively. It may be evidence of a potentially serious allergic reaction to a medication or other element. It is not these effects of acne that tend to do the most damage, though.

More than a health issue, acne is known causing people (mainly teens) a sense of shame and embarrassment. Acne is falsely associated with being unclean. Clear, healthy skin is associated with cleanliness, while severe forms of acne are often believed to be the result of sanitary neglect. Not only that, acne can be ugly and turn people away. Most people who experience severe acne are emotionally scarred by the social rejection, leading to adolescent emotional insecurity and a sense of self-doubt. Because of this, acne should be treated as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.  

Isn't it true that staying clean helps prevent acne?

It is always better to rid your skin of toxins and dirt that accumulate during your normal routine. So yes, to some extent, it is true that washing skin can help prevent or decrease acne. Acne is a chemical matter, and it is something that occurs beneath the surface of the skin more so than on the skin itself. Both daily cleansing and care of one's skin will help reduce the bacteria that rests on the skin, but they cannot lessen the testosterone levels beneath the surface of the skin that help produce acne.

Understanding this basic fact should help reduce some of the stigma attached to acne. It should also allow people who suffer from acne to take some comfort in knowing that they are not necessarily less clean than others. The truth is that they have very little control over what is going on beneath their skin.

To learn more go to Laser Treatment For Acne Scars and at Home Treatment For Acne also New Acne Treatment

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Different Acne Skin Care Advice To Relieve Your Problem

Although some people need to see a dermatologist to get clear fresh skin, many people can become virtually acne free with smart acne skin care.  There are many myths concerning acne skin care that cause even more breakouts for acne sufferers, but if you know the facts, you can prevent acne breakouts and get clear skin sooner after a breakout.

Despite longstanding rumors that chocolate, excessive exercise and a whole host of other things cause or worsen acne breakouts, the only real causes of acne are poor skin care, stress and hormones.  There is not much you can do to alter your hormone levels, but you can control your stress level, to a certain degree, and practice healthy acne skin care to prevent acne breakouts.

Any stress relief you can do, whether it is exercise, reading, or studying for that test ahead of time instead of cramming at the last minute, will help prevent acne eruptions.  While you cannot always be stress free, acne skin care is something you can always do that will help keep you as acne free as possible.

Acne skin care should gently clean your skin and avoid irritating it.  Acne breakouts, especially pimples, are essentially skin irritations.  You want to make sure that you do not make breakouts any worse with improper skin care.  The first and most basic thing you should do is wash you face, or other affected area, at least once a day.  If you have oily skin, you may want to wash twice a day.  Simply use soap and water, and do not scrub your face, as this will only further irritate your skin.  Try to be as gentle as possible when drying your face as well.  Washing your face helps remove excess oil, which prevents the pores from getting clogged and forming pimples.  Also, if you wear makeup, you should use water based, not oil based makeup, so that your pores can breathe.

Popping or squeezing pimples can actually make breakouts worse if done prematurely.  If you attempt to pop a pimple before it is ready, you are more likely to bruise your skin, which will leave a long-lasting red spot.  The pimple can also pop and go deeper underneath your skin.  This can cause an even worse pimple, known as a cystic nodule, which forms a hard, painful lump.  Cystic nodules, like bruising your skin, can be very noticeable and can take a long time to go away.  For this reason, popping pimples when they appear should not be your first acne skin care option.

Acne breakouts can be worsened by sunburns, which is damaging to your skin. Using a water-based sunblock helps protect from burns while keeping pores clog-free. You will never be able to eliminate breakouts, but with smart choices and a little extra attention to proper acne skin care habits, you can reduce the chances of future outbreaks.

To learn more go to Levulan Blue Light Acne Treatment and at Acne Scarring Treatment also Cystic Acne Treatments

What Areas Of Life and Health Effect People Living With Diabetes?

No one, no matter how young or old, likes to hear that they are diabetic, but the truth is, diabetes strikes all different sorts of individuals and sometimes, without any warning or pattern that people can avoid. A positive diabetes test result is also difficult for your loved ones to hear and can be hard to cope with. However, being responsible for your own health despite having diabetes means you can still live a long and fruitful life.

Diabetes, if left untreated, can lead to a number of medical complications, including blood flow reduction that may result in the loss of limb. Many diabetics end up losing a leg or toe because of restricted blood flow. Once you have diabetes, if you do not control your sugar levels, your eyes and teeth can be destroyed. Diabetes can make it difficult to operate a motor vehicle or even work effectively in some jobs. If you have to be treated at a hospital, no matter what the reason, tell the authorities that you need special attention because of your diabetic status.

Other health issues

Other issues of concern to the diabetic are their dental health, skin care, weight issues, and hospitalization. Not many diabetics realize that the illness can affect their teeth. The diabetic who practices good dental hygiene and keeps his or her blood sugar levels normal is at little risk of having major dental problems. Because of the special needs a diabetic has, if you are hospitalized for any reason, you need to ensure that hospital personnel knows your status. Wearing a medic alert bracelet can make the difference between life and death in the event of a medical emergency.

How to live with diabetes

The first step in learning to live with diabetes is learning all you can about the disease.  Armed with this knowledge, you can plan your life and activities to ensure that you control diabetes and let it control you. Once you have accepted the fact that you have diabetes, you need to be determined to do whatever you can to live a normal life. Having diabetes does not mean that you cannot have a family, play sports, or have a career of your choice.

Living with diabetes means that you have to make a decision to personally ensure that you are as healthy as possible. One of the necessary changes a diabetic must make to ensure a long life is to develop a plan of action. This means becoming organized as to what to eat and how much daily physical activity is necessary. Keeping contact details for doctors, others to contact in case of an emergency, and resource websites handy is a necessary step.

To learn more go to Childhood Diabetes and at Managing Diabetes

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Acne Treatment for The Severe Cases

Finding a good acne treatment for severe acne can be difficult. Because of the nature of acne, severe acne treatment methods can be extremely harsh, or even toxic. However, if severe acne is left untreated, it may result in acne scarring.

One of the oldest acne treatments for severe acne is Accutane, or its generic counterparts, which is a derivative of Vitamin A. Accutane is extremely effective for getting control of severe acne, and can sometimes virtually bring an end to acne breakouts. The downside of Accutane is it's toxicity, which results in a long list of unwanted side effects.

Essentially Accutane causes your oil glands to shut down during the treatment period, which typically lasts four to five months. Due to the fact that you aren't secreting any types of oils, your skin turns very dry, where numerous users say feels similar to a sunburn. People who use the drug Accutane complain that nosebleefs are very common side effect, in addition to hair loss. It has also a tendency to make users feel very depressed. Although Accutane can get acne problems under control, the side effects make it an option that should be used sparingly.

Another treatment that is also highly effective is that of antibiotics. There are a variety of antibiotics used, but, like Accutane, some forms have some undesirable side effects. Minocycline, one of the oldest antibiotics used to treat acne, has a reputation as being the most toxic. Physicians continue to prescribe it because a persons body is slow to acquire immunity to it, ye doctors are ever increasungly utilizing additional more gentle, antibiotics in spite of the propensity for people who use it to build up an immunity.

A more direct treatment for severe acne is an intra-lesional corticosteroid injection, administered directly into cystic nodules. This injection is much like anti inflammatory cortisone shots that are used to help with knee and back problems. Using this direct injection causes the cyst to begin healing within a week. The only possible side effect of this acne treatment is temporary discoloration, but it can only be used to treat existing nodules.

In recent times laser have also become a sought after acne treatment. Lasers can also not only treat acne, they also have the ability to remove the scarring from acne. However, because these lasers are currently unregulated, anyone can purchase and legally use these lasers. The risk is that a person who is an inexperienced practitioner might overexpose a person to the laser, resulting in damage that is permanent. Basically there are two kinds of lasers, non-ablative and ablative. Ablative lasers are one of the most antiquated as well as being one of the strongest, and they primarily evaporate the skins ourer most layer, very similar to removing a tattoo. At the time when this outer layer of a persons skin grows back, acne scars as well as wrinkles are to a great degree reduced.

The extreme heat produced by ablative lasers cause your oil glands to shrink, which prevents breakouts. Due to the fact that your skin is burned off, treatment through the use of ablative lasers will have the effect of reddening your face as well as making it soe for several weeks on average. Non-ablative lasers are newer and gentler than older lasers. Non-ablative lasers also shrink the oil glands, but since they do not vaporize your skin, there is usually no soreness or visible side effects. Non-ablative lasers also promote collagen growth, so they also remove acne scarring. Because non-ablative lasers are less harsh, they will require more than one treatment session, while an ablative laser treatment consists of only one session.

Severe acne can be physically and psychologically damaging, but fortunately there are now more acne treatment options available than ever before. Regardless of what treatment you choose, you should be aware of the risks and potential side effects, since many of them can be painful or permanent.

How important is a healthy diet to preventing acne?

It is no coincidence that people who eat healthy food tend to have skin that shines and glows. In contrast, think of someone you know who eats nothing but junk food. It is likely that they have some issues with acne. Experts agree that a good, healthy diet can go a long way towards either preventing acne or helping diminish it. The Chinese believe, and have been widely accepted in their belief, that acne is solely attributed to a poor diet. They claim that too much sugar or grease leads to the potential for acne. Thus, they discourage the consumption of excessive amounts of chocolate and fried foods. Fruits and vegetables are generally considered better for the skin and a deterrent to acne. Another factor known to eliminate acne is continual drinking of water. Drinking plenty of it is your best bet to avoid acne.     

What else can help prevent or treat acne?

People have tried nearly everything to reduce the effects of acne. Some methods have had more success than others. Because acne is the result of chemical reactions within the body, it is widely believed that keeping consistent levels of hormonal activity is a good way to avoid acne. Avoiding stress or extreme levels of sexual activity has been known to lessen the effects of acne, if not prevent it altogether.

Once acne occurs, exfoliation of the skin can reduce its effects. Several over-the-counter medications exist, but their value is continually in question. As with all medications, a doctor should always be consulted before trying something new to rid yourself of acne. Short bursts of cortisone sometimes help reduce the swelling that comes from acne, but they do nothing for the bacteria gathering beneath the surface of the skin. To date, there is no miracle cure for acne, but trying different combinations of solutions may help ease the problem.

To learn more go to Best Form Of Acne Treatment and at Acne Rosacea Treatments also New Acne Treatment

Where To Go For Free Acne Advice

"Buyer beware" is a common phrase for shopping advice, and couldn't be more true when you fall upon free acne advice. No matter what you read, no one can offer a miracle acne cure, and everyone suffers from the occasional breakout or blemish. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Read the advertisements and claims carefully and think twice before you shell out money to buy a product because the free acne advice promotes it.

Almost nothing is free, but there is one free acne treatment available.  This is not an acne cure, but it helps to reduce acne, as well as help make your skin much healthier, if used in moderation.  This acne treatment is natural sunlight, which stimulates your skin and helps your body produce vitamin D.  In addition to regulating calcium and phosphorous levels in the blood stream, vitamin D is also believed to strengthen the immune system and regulate cell growth, both of which are crucial for helping your body fight and resist acne naturally. 

Although some people have deficiencies that require vitamin D supplements, most people can get enough vitamin D from sunlight and their diet.  However, groups of people who may not get enough sun exposure include people who are homebound, have an occupation that keeps them indoors, people living close to the poles, women required to wear robes and head coverings, or people who simply spend too much time watching TV or at a computer.  These activities or lifestyles can increase the severity and intensity of your acne. 

An acne myth that coincides with getting enough sunlight is the belief that exercise or sweating can improve acne or make it worse.  Studies have shown that exercise is neither an acne cure, nor does it cause acne breakouts.  However, it has been shown that certain garments and athletic equipment can cause acne breakouts.

For example, it is not abnormal for shoulder pads worn by football players to cause acne breakouts where the pads meet the skin.  This happens for several reasons.  The pads compress the skin in that area, which traps sweat and prevents the skin from breathing like it normally would.  This leads to the pores in that area becoming clogged, which results in acne breakouts.  Although it is not a free acne solution, many athletes can reduce acne breakouts by removing pads and other equipment as soon as possible, washing that area (shoulders, etc.) with soap and water, and wiping their pads down with antibacterial soap or wipes.  Although this does not completely cure this type of acne, it can help reduce it. 

Free acne advice is plentiful on the internet, and not everything you read will work for you, if it works at all. In order for an acne treatment to be effective, it has to clear the pores and eliminate harmful bacteria. There may not be one definitive acne cure on the market, but the best free acne advice that will help is learning how to properly clean your skin and to get plenty of vitamin D from natural sunlight.

To learn more go to Acne Cure and at Acne Rosacea Treatments also Acne Skin Care Treatment Products

Different Acne Skin Care Advice To Relieve Your Problem

Acne skin care can be a frustrating maze of myths and remedies that promise clean, clear skin, but only end up irritating the skin more rather than working to prevent acne breakouts. Sometimes, sensible skin care can save people from a visit to the dermatologist.

Chocolate, greasy foods and excessive exercise have always taken the blame for acne. The truth is that none can prevent you from having acne free skin. The true basis for acne breakouts relates directly to poor skin care habits, stress and hormone levels as the main causes. There is very little you can do about your hormones, however you can take steps to reduce stress or find a better skin care routine.

Any stress relief you can do, whether it is exercise, reading, or studying for that test ahead of time instead of cramming at the last minute, will help prevent acne eruptions.  While you cannot always be stress free, acne skin care is something you can always do that will help keep you as acne free as possible.

Acne skin care should gently clean your skin and avoid irritating it.  Acne breakouts, especially pimples, are essentially skin irritations.  You want to make sure that you do not make breakouts any worse with improper skin care.  The first and most basic thing you should do is wash you face, or other affected area, at least once a day.  If you have oily skin, you may want to wash twice a day.  Simply use soap and water, and do not scrub your face, as this will only further irritate your skin.  Try to be as gentle as possible when drying your face as well.  Washing your face helps remove excess oil, which prevents the pores from getting clogged and forming pimples.  Also, if you wear makeup, you should use water based, not oil based makeup, so that your pores can breathe.

Popping or squeezing pimples can actually make breakouts worse if done prematurely.  If you attempt to pop a pimple before it is ready, you are more likely to bruise your skin, which will leave a long-lasting red spot.  The pimple also has the ability to pop when it is underneath your skin and spread from there.  This can cause an even worse pimple, known as a cystic nodule, which forms a hard, painful lump.  Cystic nodules, like bruising your skin, can be very noticeable and can take a long time to go away.  For this reason, popping pimples when they appear should not be your first acne skin care option. 

Acne breakouts can be worsened by sunburns, which is damaging to your skin. Using a water-based sunblock helps protect from burns while keeping pores clog-free. You will never be able to eliminate breakouts, but with smart choices and a little extra attention to proper acne skin care habits, you can reduce the chances of future outbreaks.

To learn more go to Blue Light Laser Acne Treatment and at Clearlight Acne Treatment also Proactiv Acne Treatment

Monday, October 27, 2008

Information And Natural Cures For Rls - Restless Leg Syndrome Sufferers

If you suffer from restless leg syndrome - RLS, you'd love a natural cure. The Rls symptoms can range from just annoying to actually painful, and none are something you can just ignore. Whether it strikes when you're sitting in the movie theater, at a movie you just paid big bucks to see (and now you can hardly sit still), or when you're riding in a car or airplane, or at night when you're trying to wind down and go to sleep, having restless leg syndrome is frustrating. Fortunately, there are alternative treatments for restless legs. 

Ways For Handling Restless Leg Syndrome, Natural Cures

First of all, the best way to handle restless leg syndrome is to get your body into a more healthy condition. First, be sure you're getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Whether eating more consciously is sufficient or you want to add a multivitamin supplement, you can do things to improve your diet. Many researchers feel that restless leg syndrome is associated with an iron deficiency and anemia, and other studies show links to a lack of folate (folic acid) or vitamin B12. Hedge your bets and either improve your diet or take a supplement.

You should also eliminate from your diet things that can interfere with a natural cure for restless leg syndrome. Specifically, you should eliminate alcohol and tobacco from your body, as they can trigger or worsen symptoms. Also, caffeine can  exacerbate the problems associated with restless leg syndrome, so eliminating coffee, tea, and sodas from the diet is a wise choice. There are also some medicines (both prescription and over-the-counter) that can cause restless leg syndrome or make it worse. You should talk to your doctor before changing or stopping any medicine.

If you develop good sleep habits it can help you get to sleep easier and stay asleep better. This is important because many people with restless leg syndrome have trouble because the weird feeling in the legs is often worse at night. Some suggestions for this natural cure for restless leg syndrome are: have the room where you sleep as dark as possible, and cool and quiet. Take things out of the room that can interfere with sleeping, like computer, TV and telephone. Get into a regular schedule of when you go to sleep and wake up. Try to not stay in bed awake for a long time. If you can't sleep, get up and walk around, which is good for the legs, too.  

Try some different activities to help with the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. Natural cures you can try include: massage, a hot or cold bath, acupressure, stretching or other exercise, or engaging your brain in other activities that take concentration. When you must sit, choose a place (aisle seat!) where you can easily stand up and move around without disturbing others.

What Is The Zeno Acne Clearing Device And How Does It Function?

The latest technology in the fight to get rid of acne is the Zeno acne-clearing device. This product claims to eliminate acne in 24 hours or less with only a few simple treatments. This hand-held device has been reported to have amazing results, and many people are turning to it for help curing blemishes.

How Zeno Acne Clearing Device Works

The Zeno acne clearing device is a hand-held, battery-powered acne treatment unit you can use at home for clear skin.  Tyrell Inc., the makers of Zeno, claim that it is "clinically proven to make pimples disappear fast," and "the most scientifically advanced and effective acne device available without a prescription." 

How does the Zeno acne system work? The Zeno device delivers a heat shock to the bacterium that cause acne breakouts. By exposing the pimple to a certain amount of controlled heat for a few minutes, the warmth penetrates deep into the pimple and destroys the bacteria inside.

A Zeno acne treatment is administered through a disposable tip on the Zeno unit.  The Zeno unit has a sensor that adjusts the level of heat based on your individual skin and circulation conditions, which are different depending on the type of pimple and where it is located.  The Zeno unit also varies the treatment time based on these conditions as well.  Because the technology used in Zeno is so sophisticated, Tyrell Inc. claims that most pimples will disappear within 24 hours or less with one to three treatments. Also since the Zeno unit adjusts to your skin and the specific pimple, the only possible side effect is slight redness in the treated area lasting for a few minutes. 


Taking the technology that is being used in the Zeno acne clearing device, it is surprisingly affordable.There are more than one type of package available, that begin at $150.  This package includes the Zeno acne clearing device, 60 treatment tips, and a wall charger.  The other packages, which peak at $200, add up to 150 tips and a leather case with a mirror for easy use when traveling or away from home.  The price of replacement tips is also very reasonable.  You can purchase 60 replacement tips for $25 or 150 for $55.  

Does It Work For Everyone?

Tyrell Inc. advertises the Zeno acne treatment device to be effective for people with mild to moderate inflammatory acne, which means they do not claim it to be effective for treating cystic nodules.  However, many people with severe acne are likely to have pimples characteristic of mild to moderate acne in addition to cystic nodules. 

While the Zeno acne unit may not be able to get rid of acne of every variety, it would seem that acne sufferers could potential benefit by using Zeno in combination with another treatment method to attain more clear skin.  However, not everyone sees noticeable results after trying Zeno.  Because of this, Tyrell Inc. provides a money-back guarantee so consumers can try the device risk free.

To learn more go to Acne Treatment Vitamin A and at How To Cure Acne also Acne Home Treatments

Types Of Acne Care That You Can Live With

Acne can strike at any age and many people go to great lengths to ensure proper acne care. Despite any number of best efforts, some people find no relief, no miracle cure that will eliminate acne forever, and these individuals have the acne scars to prove it. Acne is more than a physical affliction; it can eat away at a person's self-esteem and change the way that others react to him or her.

While acne care for people with mild to moderate acne is not usually a terrible enigma, people with cystic acne, considered the worst type of acne, can be very difficult.  For individuals that consistently develop cystic acne lesions or have lesions that will not go away, the majority of over-the-counter acne medications have little effect.  In this event, the help of a dermatologist is usually needed. 

Depending on the severity of your acne, your complexion and how oily your skin is, a dermatologist has a wide variety of acne care options to control cystic acne or even remove acne scars.  Oral medications are the oldest type of treatment for severe acne, but many of these medications are very harsh and have some very undesirable side effects.  If a dermatologist does suggest an oral acne medication, you should inquire to the side effects and possible alternatives. 

Lasers are becoming a more common solution for severe acne care.  Lasers can even be used to remove acne scars, if used properly.  However, an inexperienced laser operator can cause permanent scarring. 

There are two types of lasers used to treat acne, called ablative and nonablative lasers.  Ablative lasers are the oldest type and the most potentially dangerous.  Both types of lasers shrink the oil glands, which slows oil production and prevents acne breakouts, but ablative lasers destroy the outermost layer of your skin.  This causes the area treated by ablative lasers to be very red, sensitive and painful until the skin fully heals.  Because the scar tissue is destroyed, the skin that grows back will lack acne scars or wrinkles. 

Nonablative lasers, on the other hand, do not harm the outer layer of skin, but get rid of acne scars by stimulating collegen growth.  However, nonablative lasers, because they are gentler, require multiple treatments, while ablative lasers only require a single treatment. 

Azelaic acid is one product that might help reduce the appearance of acne scars. This type of acid comes in the form of a moisturizer and is easily obtained over the counter without a prescription for acne care. Azelaic acid might not work for everyone, but many people have attested to seeing some reduction in their acne scars.

A professional dermatologist best treats chronic cystic acne. The acne may not be completely eliminated, but a dermatologist can help you to keep it under control. Severe acne is bad enough, and the risk of scarring makes it worse. Rather than wait until scars occur and search for treatment, it is a better idea to treat cystic acne early.

What are the mental effects of acne?

Acne may show a body's failure to properly deal with hormonal changes. Acne can indicate that a person is not dealing with stress effectively. It may be evidence of a potentially serious allergic reaction to a medication or other element. It is not these effects of acne that tend to do the most damage, though.

More than a health issue, acne is known causing people (mainly teens) a sense of shame and embarrassment. Acne is falsely associated with being unclean. Clear, healthy skin is associated with cleanliness, while severe forms of acne are often believed to be the result of sanitary neglect. Not only that, acne can be ugly and turn people away. Most people who experience severe acne are emotionally scarred by the social rejection, leading to adolescent emotional insecurity and a sense of self-doubt. Because of this, acne should be treated as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. 

Isn't it true that staying clean helps prevent acne?

It is always better to rid your skin of toxins and dirt that accumulate during your normal routine. So yes, to some extent, it is true that washing skin can help prevent or decrease acne. Acne is a chemical matter, and it is something that occurs beneath the surface of the skin more so than on the skin itself. Both daily cleansing and care of one's skin will help reduce the bacteria that rests on the skin, but they cannot lessen the testosterone levels beneath the surface of the skin that help produce acne.

Understanding this basic fact should help reduce some of the stigma attached to acne. It should also allow people who suffer from acne to take some comfort in knowing that they are not necessarily less clean than others. The truth is that they have very little control over what is going on beneath their skin.

To learn more go to Acne Problems and at Clearlight Acne Treatment also Best Acne Cures

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Learning The Fundamental Principles Of Acne Control

Acne control is effortless for some, but, for others, acne control may seem impossible, especially in the teenage years. During this time, many people feel as though they are going through a never-ending acne breakout, although there are a lot of people who fall in between these extremes.  Regardless of which category you fall into, acne control can be a reality if you can find the right way to treat acne.

The essential methods of acne control are to keep pores from getting clogged, unclog infected pores, attack the bacteria causing the infection, or reduce the redness associated with acne.  There are many preventative measures you can take to reduce the chance of having an acne breakout in the first place.  Gently washing your face with soap and water once or twice a day will help prevent your pores from being clogged.  Beyond this, benzoyl peroxide, which is the active ingredient in Oxy pads and many other cleaning wipes, helps to further clean your skin as well as dry it out.  One of the biggest advantages of using benzoyl peroxide is that it can be used in combination with other products to treat acne.

Exfoliating is another very popular method of acne control.  Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.  These dead cells can cause acne breakouts by clogging extremely active oil glands, especially those on your face.  Exfoliating can also make you skin much smoother, softer, and healthy.  However, some exfoliating agents can be very harsh, so a new exfoliating product should first be tested on a small area for reactions before using on your entire face. 

Some products for acne control have a dual purpose. Exfoliates not only remove the dead skin cells from the surface, they also offer the benefits of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory products. Both of these ingredients can help to treat the existing acne and reduce the redness and swelling that often accompanies a breakout. Other common ingredients are sulfur and Azelaic acid. One ingredient to be cautious of using on the face is salicylic acid. While this ingredient can help to prevent the pores from clogging, it is too irritating to facial skin.

Some people with severe acne may need to consult a dermatologist for help with their acne control.  A dermatologist may suggest a cleansing regime, use lights or lasers to treat and prevent breakouts, or prescribe medication.  If you are prescribed medication, you should be wary of the side effects, as most acne medication is very harsh, even toxic.  Some of these numerous side effects are somewhat discomforting, but others are very permanent.  A few acne prescriptions have even been linked with depression, sometimes resulting in suicide. 

Because of the dangers of using acne medication as well as the costs involved, it is preferable to try over-the-counter treatments first, like benzoyl peroxide or exfoliating products for acne control before consulting a dermatologist.

What are the mental effects of acne?

Acne may show a body's failure to properly deal with hormonal changes. Acne can indicate that a person is not dealing with stress effectively. It may be evidence of a potentially serious allergic reaction to a medication or other element. It is not these effects of acne that tend to do the most damage, though.

More than a health issue, acne is known causing people (mainly teens) a sense of shame and embarrassment. Acne is falsely associated with being unclean. Clear, healthy skin is associated with cleanliness, while severe forms of acne are often believed to be the result of sanitary neglect. Not only that, acne can be ugly and turn people away. Most people who experience severe acne are emotionally scarred by the social rejection, leading to adolescent emotional insecurity and a sense of self-doubt. Because of this, acne should be treated as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. 

Isn't it true that staying clean helps prevent acne?

It is always better to rid your skin of toxins and dirt that accumulate during your normal routine. So yes, to some extent, it is true that washing skin can help prevent or decrease acne. Acne is a chemical matter, and it is something that occurs beneath the surface of the skin more so than on the skin itself. Both daily cleansing and care of one's skin will help reduce the bacteria that rests on the skin, but they cannot lessen the testosterone levels beneath the surface of the skin that help produce acne.

Understanding this basic fact should help reduce some of the stigma attached to acne. It should also allow people who suffer from acne to take some comfort in knowing that they are not necessarily less clean than others. The truth is that they have very little control over what is going on beneath their skin.

To learn more go to Dandelion For Acne Treatment and at Blue Light Acne Treatment also Acne Treatment Skin Care

The Mythological Acne Blemish Cure-All

Everyone gets an occasional acne blemish, but what you do to treat acne when you get this blemish can have a big effect on how long a pimple sticks around, and how visible it is to others. Usually, you will have to allow an acne blemish to run its course, but you can rush the process and keep from making the blemish any worse.

Skn Care

Just because you have developed an acne blemish doesn't mean your skin care efforts have failed or you should stop your routine. A good skin care routine keeps your skin clean without irritating it. While proper skin care will help you to prevent acne breakouts in the future, don't get discouraged when the occasional blemish shows up. They're perfectly normal.

When you spot an acne blemish, popping it should not be your first option. Popping a pimple at first sight, hopeful for eradicating it before anyone else can see it, usually makes the situation worse. If a pimple has formed a head, though, then it should be popped so that it can heal. However, squeezing acne before it is ready is bad for your skin and is a poor way to treat acne. When it will not pop, most people continue picking and pinching, which bursts the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) right beneath the skin's surface. This essentially forms a little bruise on your face that is likely to be very visible even after the pimple itself has healed.

Dealing with a Pimple

Once you get an acne blemish, you do still have a few ways to treat acne, but some of them are costly. One new product, called the Zeno acne-clearing device, claims it can eradicate most pimples within twenty four hours. It works by focusing a specific amount of heat on the pimple, which destroys the bacteria causing the blemish. Some people claim that it works perfectly for them, while others say it has virtually no effect on their acne. Luckily, the company offers a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied. The only drawback for people who find Zeno effective is that it requires disposable tips to work, which some people claim are somewhat pricey depending on how many pimples there are to treat.

Another product used to treat existing pimples is a pen that uses various frequencies of concentrated light. It has been known for a long time that exposure to sunlight helps your skin fight acne, but scientists have determined that the two specific frequency ranges that are most effective appear to us in the form of blue and red light. The blue light works to kill the bacterium that causes acne, while the red light stimulates the healing action of your skin. Dermatologists have used red and blue light treatment for quite sometime, but the light pens that are currently available are completely portable and do not require any replacement tips. However, like Zeno, some people report amazing results from using a light pen while others see absolutely no results at all.

The worst thing you can do when you develop an acne blemish is to try popping it prematurely or washing vigorously to attempt to make it disappear. Zeno and light pens may work for you, but there are no guarantees. These treatment methods do not prevent acne breakouts, and considering the $150 price tag attached to each of these devices, many people are content to simply let the occasional pimple run its course.

What is the most common type of acne?

One might think that all is acne is the same, but it is not. As with all skin irritations, there are several forms. Some are considered more serious and more difficult to eliminate than others. The most common type is acne vulgaris, which simply means "common acne," usually indicated by a red swelling of the skin. Soon, the white or yellow pus that people associate with acne becomes apparent. Tis is the type of acne that most teenagers get, caused when extraordinary amounts of oil from the sebaceous gland combine with dead skin cells to help clog the skin's pores. Because the skin's pores are blocked, oil continues to build up, thus allowing bacteria and yeast to spread. This excess of bacteria and yeast is what eventually does tons of damage to one's skin.

To learn more go to Murad Acne Treatment and at Acne Light Treatment also Acne Treatment Gel

Home Remedies To Treat Your Acne

Acne is a skin condition that individuals of all ages are affected with on a daily basis, which is why there is such a huge portion of the skin care market focus on this issue. Millions of people are constantly searching for a product or solution to rid them of this frustrating condition. The number and types of product or treatments available are vast and the choice is often overwhelming.

There are indeed many acne solutions that work, however is choosing a Over The Counter Product or doctor prescribed product is not your first choice there are many natural or home remedies that you may be interested in trying. The key to any treatment whether it is home made or purchased is patience; all treatments require time before results can be seen. You will not instantly see the results, therefore be consistent with your treatment plan and give it a chance before you throw in the towel and declare that it does not work.

Natural remedies are becoming increasing popular as people as deciding to take control of their health. Many individuals are also making a conscious effort to stay away from chemicals and synthetically made ingredients preferring to use naturally obtained items.
If this is an avenue that you would be interested in trying there are a number of natural curatives available for acne.

1. Lettuce no longer has to be used in salads alone. Saturate lettuce in water for about an hour, make a solution by mashing the water filled leaves and apply to the skin as a rinse.

2. Lime juice and Milk: Gently boil half a glass of milk and let it cool to a temperature that will allow not cause burns. Add an equal amount of freshly squeezed lime juice to your cooled milk and apply the mixture to the affected area.

3. Tomatoes or Tomato Paste: Simply placing tomato paste or a cut ripened tomato on the acne outbreaks for an hour is a highly recommended treatment.

4. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is world renowned for its healing and soothing properties, and its use is indicated in the treatment of acne. Aloe not only treats the infection but it also promotes healing of the damaged skin and alleviates inflammation of the infected area. You can use a clipping directly from a plant or buy pure Aloe Vera at your local health food store.

5. Tea Tree Oil: The essential oil known as Tea Tree Oil is regarded to be a powerful antibacterial. Simply apply a diluted solution directly to the acne spots. It should be noted that there is a large number of essential oils that are recommended to acne.

6. Oatmeal: Cooked oatmeal should be applied to the affected area for 15 minutes before washing it off.

7. Avocado: Simply mash a ripe avocado into a paste and wash your face. Use water to rinse.

With any new treatment plan or product do a patch test to ensure you do not have any negative reactions or irritation. As a general rule if you are allergic to a food product you must use extreme caution before using it on your skin because chances are you will experience adverse effects. Home remedies are a very cost effective and safe alternative for skin care however they do require time and commitment.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Natural Bad Breath Home Remedies For Your Embarrassing Problem

Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a big problem for many people and many will be too embarrassed to visit their doctor over a problem like this.  Fortunately there are some natural home remedies that you can use to help with your bad breath.  In this article we will cover some of those remedies that may be able to help solve your bad breath problem.

1. Mint leaves are a great natural way to help freshen up the breath.  By chewing mint leaves, particularly after meals, is a very good remedy for bad breath.

2. Most people will brush their teeth just once a day even though it is recommended to brush both morning and night. If you have a bad breath problem then it is advisable to brush your teeth after every meal to help reduce and possibly prevent bad breath.

3. When brushing your teeth after each meal you may want to brush your tongue also.  Many toothbrushes now come with a tongue brush on the back and this is a great idea for people with bad breath. As bad breath is caused by the build up of bacteria on the tongue, then brushing your tongue after each meal will keep the bacteria at bay and reduce bad breath.

4. Another good way to keep your tongue bacteria free is to use a gargle of baking soda dissolved in warm water.  This is a very natural remedy and completely safe and is great at keeping your tongue clean.

5. Sunflower seeds are another good natural remedy and are particularly good if you chew some after each meal followed by a glass of water.

6. Cloves are a good bad breath remedy but not everyone will like the taste of cloves, if you do though then go ahead and chew one clove after each meal to reduce your bad breath.

7. Pineapple juice is great to reduce the smell of bad breath as is parsley.

8. Tea made from fenugreek seeds is a good bad breath remedy.

These are some remedies for reducing the smell of bad breath and helping keep bad breath at bay.  Below are some remedies that are good for eliminating bad breath altogether.

1. Drinking hot unsweetened tea daily is a good natural remedy for curing bad breath. 

2. Yoghurt is an incredibly effective way to cure bad breath completely as it contains the good bacteria that your body needs. Eat yoghurt daily for six to seven weeks for best results.

3. Squeezing lemons into water and using as a gargle is also a good natural remedy.  You need to use the gargle frequently and continue to do so until all traces of bad breath have gone.  It is not a bad idea to continue the gargle occasionally just to keep bad breath away.

4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Apples are a great source of good health and are particularly good for curing bad breath as they act as a purifier for the mouth and remove the bacteria that cause bad breath.

5. Foods that are rich in zinc help to prevent bad breath occurring as they help to keep bacteria under control.

If your bad breath continues after using natural remedies then it may be time to visit your doctor and make sure there are no underlying causes that may be causing your bad breath.

Natural remedies do work very well for bad breath problems though and in many cases they will be all you need.  Good luck and may you have sweet smelling breath for a long time to come.

Learn about the causes of bad breath with your Free Bad Breath Report at Learn how you can get rid of bad breath today!

Sure-fire Home Remedies for Acne

Acne!  It definitely doesn’t pose a serious threat to your life or health, but acne occurring on typical areas like the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders can be great source of agony and emotional distress.


Acne is like the other growing up woes: they normally disappear as soon as those crazy adolescent days are over.


But there are people who are not that lucky: they may be bothered by acne well through their 20’s, 30’s and even beyond.


When acne becomes a nagging irritant like this and disrupts the normal rhythm of life, you must stop experimenting with commercial products and zero in on a package of home remedies.


Five acne home remedies:


1. The first step to acne treatment is cleansing: if you want to keep your face free of acne, you should follow a cleansing regimen everyday. The best cleanser is always made at home. Here is how: add few drops of lemon juice to a small bowl full of milk. Don’t boil the milk; use it as it comes fresh from packet. Soak a cotton wool into the liquid; drab it through your skin; wait for ten minutes or as long as it takes to dry; rinse the face thoroughly.


This home remedy has a very effective deep cleansing effect. Following this everyday will help prevent the clogging of skin pores---the main culprit for causing acne.


2. The next step involves exfoliation for removing the dead skin cells from your skin that leads to the growth of acne causing bacteria on your face. A great home made exfoliating scrub can be prepared with gram flour, oats, a few drops of lemon and a pinch of cocoa powder. Add some warm water to this mixture to bring it to semi liquid state and then apply it all over your face. Wait for ten minutes before rinsing. 


3. Next you have to tone the face skin with some home made skin tonic. For acne prone skin, rose water makes the best toner. Another option is a combination of cucumber and lemon juice. For your convenience, you can preserve this concoction as ice cubes---before stepping out; just rub this ice cube over your face to get an instant brightness.


4. The acne skin care regimen should also involve the nourishment of your skin. For that you have to go for a suitable face pack twice a month. The clove based masks work well for acne prone skins. The lentil based face packs are also good for acne skin care. To prepare this you will need lentil powder (50g), orange peels ground with little water (of one medium size orange) and rose- water. Apply this mixture for about an hour and then scrap it off from the face carefully before rinsing off the face.


5. Sometimes you may need localized treatment for one or two eruptions that suddenly occur on your otherwise clear skin. The immediate address of the problem becomes absolute necessary when you have an important appointment for next day and have discovered the possibility of rashes just before going to bed. At this stage you need an overnight treatment; the magic can be done with the paste of fenugreek leaves and sandal wood powder. Mix these two ingredients together and locally apply them over the acne. This will give you a face clear enough to appear for the appointment with confidence.


The effective acne skin care regimen is nothing but blocking the signs of danger before they finally find out the rout to your skin. The above mentioned home remedies are sure to succeed because they take proper care of your skin while controlling the attack of acne.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Look At A Worldwide Problem

Rheumatoid Arthritis is something of a mystery, meaning that doctors aren't sure of the cause. Many people associate arthritis with old age but there have been cases of children who suffer from the joint inflammation and pain too. It's believed that it is caused by a host of factors, including: genes, lifestyle choices like smoking, as well as environmental factors, such as injuries or viruses.

Signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may include: joint pain, joint swelling and joints that are tender to the touch. Whether you have red puffy hands, firm bumps of tissue beneath the skin on your arms, or morning stiffness that lasts at least thirty minutes, you may have some level of the disease. Often, sufferers feel tired, lose weight and sense changes in wrists, hands, ankles and feet at first. In later stages, the elbows, shoulders, knees, hips and the jaw and neck can also be affected. Signs and symptoms of pain may flare up and then alternate with periods of relative remission.

Doctors say there are some factors that may increase your risk of rheumatoid arthritis. For instance, women are more likely than men to develop the disease. Most arthritis sufferers are between 40 and 60. While it's not a disease that you can directly inherit, there may be a predisposition throughout genealogy. Smoking cigarettes and eating too much red meat may also be contributing factors. If you have persistent discomfort and swelling in various joints on both sides of your body, then be sure to see your doctor.

Surgery options for people with rheumatoid arthritis include total joint replacement (arthroplasty), tendon repair, or removal of the joint lining (synovectomy). These procedures can help restore joint mobility, correct deformities and reduce pain. Additionally, pain management is key to preventing long term joint damage. Arthritis sufferers should perform low impact exercises regularly, such as swimming, for example. They should eat healthy diets with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Devices that can assist you with daily tasks, such as gripping tools, non-skid mats, canes and other products, can reduce stress on the body. Hot packs, heating pads and hot baths have also been known to reduce arthritis pain. Lastly, keeping a positive attitude and relaxing are some of the best techniques to practice.

To learn more go to Arthritis Remedies and at Neck Arthritis

Dealing With The Difficulties of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, the most common type of joint inflammation, can be caused by several factors. Some people inherit defective cartilage or are born with abnormalities of the spine that place more stress and weight on one of their joints, causing back pain and spine inflammation. Others have gained weight and developed the disease as a result of the increased pressure.

Hip and knee osteoarthritis are particularly common in people who are overweight. One of the contributions to the development of this type of disease in both people who are young as well as athletes is injury, and the spine and knees are the more common areas that are effective in this instance. Joint overuse increases the risk of developing the disease too, particularly in the hand and knee regions. Regardless of the particular cause, the Arthritis Foundation reports that there are things you can do that will help with your pain as well as slowing any progression of this disease, which afflicts close to 21 millions people in the United States alone.

Some people feel uncomfortable with taking medicine and have always disliked even taking Tylenol for a headache. There are more natural types of alternative treament for people with osteoarthritis that they can choose from. Some of the more recent medical research shows that supplements which are natural, such as chondroitin as well as glucosamine, might provide relief from pain as well as assist in stimulating a persons body to reconstitute some cartilage, especially for people who suffer from knee arthritis.

Various individuals also utilize S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) as well as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) for their arthritis needs however the jury is still out so to speak as to there efficacy. Acupuncture and bioelectric therapy have also been used to calm nerves and release a relieving flow of natural endorphins. Supportive devices like canes, crutches or braces can remove some of the pressure as well.

it can be disconcerting to discover that your body weight helped to contribute to osteoarthritis and you now have to lose some of that weight to lower the load off of your joints, although you are enduring pain in your hips, knees, spine or shoulders. Regardless of how challenging of might be to you mentally to begin, your body will start to feel a little better as you exercise. Mentally, you will feel better about yourself and more in control. Gradually, you will discover that you will get higher levels of mobility as well as additional ease at completing your daily tasks. Lower impact types of exercises such as walking, swimming, biking are advised.

For people with knee pain, strengthening exercises with light weights for the quadriceps are encouraged. Highly common types of exercises known as Range-of motion flexibility are used in sessions for physical therapy sessions. Forget about aerobics or jogging, and avoid overdoing it. If your joints hurt excessively more than 2 hours later, then you've pushed yourself too hard. Prior to as well as after doing exercise you can attempt using heat/cold pack to assist in lowering instances of pain or redness. Braces, rest breaks, decreasing your speed or duration and reducing your weight can modify the level of intensity to give you the ideal workout.

You might be curious,?" If you have tried medication, lifestyle changes and other treatment options, then further action may be required. If you find that you can't participate in your everyday activities and the chronic pain is impeding your life and making you more sedentary, then resist!

Think about surgery like an arthroscopy, that clears out cartilage that is broken (anything except knee). joint replacement therapy (knee or hip), or joint fusion. Frequently surgery is not advised for individuals who are younger since they might require a replacement of the knee or a new hip replacement at some later point in life. Another option which is more expensive is that of surgery but because of it's cost it might not be for everybody. However, for people with chronic pain, undergoing surgery can be the only way to regain some mobility and improve their quality of life.

To learn more go to Arthritis Joint Pain and at Reactive Arthritis

Friday, October 24, 2008

Natural Cure For Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Will It Work For You?

What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Are you experiencing stomach cramping and incredible pain, then you are likely to be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. It usually causes a great deal of discomfort and distress, luckily it does not normally damage to system irreparably and can be quickly brought under control  with the use of irritable bowel syndrome nutural cures.

If you are experiencing irritable bowel syndrome you will definitely be looking for a speedy long term solution to this disorder.. You basically have two options available – conventional treatment such as prescription medications, and alternative or natural treatments such as is provided by herbs and natural supplements.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Natural Cure

When you decide to go down the road of natural cures the first thing is that you will be asked to change your diet as this simple step will give you immediate relief for the discomfort. Although it sounds incredibly simple, by including certain foods in your diet and staying away from others, you will be able to make a huge difference in terms of your overall condition and will notice improvements in your condition almost immediately.

Results show that Peppermint Oil is one of the most commonly used irritable bowel syndrome natural cures, it has shown to be incredibly effective in terms of treating digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome.

Hydrolyzed guar gum, is another very commonly used irritable bowel syndrome natural cure as this is a fiber that is water-soluble and has also proven to be effective at reducing constipation and diarrhea. Another positive benefit is that it appears  to be able to increase the amount of beneficial bacteria, which in turn helps to clean the intestines and reduce the symptoms associated with your condition.

If you are keen to learn more about the different irritable bowel syndrome natural cures that are available, we recommend that you get hooked up with a herbal nutritionist. The herbal nutritionist  is a health specialist who focuses exclusively on food and nutrition science, he or she will probably consider your medical history and use laboratory tests and physical examination findings before  determining how to best improve your over all health.

Luckily, finding an irritable bowel syndrome natural cure is quite easy and the recommended changes in diet should be implemented straight away. Leaving your irritable bowel syndrome untreated can cause you other complications in the long run if not treated. By following the set procedure you will relieve your symptoms and get back to living a regular life once again.

Of course, it is important to remember to continue to work closely with your doctor and herbal nutritionist even after your symptoms have begun to subside, so you can prevent the condition from reoccurring in the future.

As they say “You are what you eat”, this combined with the stresses of modern life are the primary causes of irritable bowel syndrome. Listen to your body it will tell you when oyu’ve got it right and when you’ve got it wrong, and with a few simple changes we can eradicate this condition and live healthy lives.

What Is An Effective Genital Wart Removal Treatment

Genital warts are caused through sexual contact by the transfer of the highly contagious human papilloma virus. Unfortunately, carriers of the HPV may not even know they have it until the manifestation of warts appears.

As if being diagnosed with genital warts is not a big enough shock, the actual development of unsightly warts in and around your genital area will definitely force you to get out and find an effective genital wart remover. No matter whether you are a man or a woman, the appearance of the warts along with the social stigma associated with this disease may cause real concern.  Luckily, there are plenty of effective genital wart removers that are available on the market.

Effective Genital Wart Removers

When you get down to it there are so many different genital wart removers available, each claiming they will remove the warts with little or no scarring, the question is which one is best suited to your individual needs.

When you do a little research on the internet you will see haww many products are available each claiming they are an effective wart remover. It is suggested that you stick with products that are recommended by medical professionals. This should provide a degree of certainty as to the effective removal of genital warts.

At the more expensive end of effective genital wart removal is laser therapy, this is usually a very effective, painless treatment leaving little or no scarring..

The majority of products take the form of creams and lotions, each claiming to be an effective wart remover. Before you invest lots of money in buying creams and lotions, it is suggested that you speak to your health care professional to see what advice they have for you concerning an effective genital wart remover.  They should be conversant with the latest in medical research and can put you on the path to finding an inexpensive yet effective wart remover.

Your local health food store and alternative health practitioners may be able to point you in the right direction in regard to natural cures. It should be noted that many times these remedies are easier on your system and can be gentler on your skin.

The most effective genital wart remover is really determined by the severity of your case, therefore it is recommended that you take the advice of your own doctor who will recommend which treatment is best suited to your needs rather than taking chances with over the counter medicines.

What Is Diabetes And What Steps Can People Take?

Diabetes refers to a disease in which the body is unable to process sugar (glucose). It is important to recognize the symptoms of diabetes early so that you can get the necessary treatment. Diabetes occurs when the body cannot adequately use the sugars we ingest from the foods we eat. While the disease is partially a result of our lifestyle, it is also based on your genetic background.

Statistics just released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that the prevalence of diabetes in the US population is expected to increase by at lease twelve percent by 2050. This figure becomes daunting when you realize that this represents an estimated 48 million people. However, you do not need to be a part of this statistic if you start eating right and exercising.

There are three types of diabetes mellitus:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is the type of diabetes where the body is unable to produce any of the insulin it needs to function. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease; that is, the body is turning on itself. With Type 1 diabetes, it does this by destroying the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Once these cells are destroyed, the body can no longer produce insulin. Persons with Type 1 diabetes have to take insulin daily for the rest of their lives. Type 1 diabetes used to be known as juvenile diabetes because it is found most frequently in children and young adults.

Type 2 diabetes

This was formerly referred to as adult-onset diabetes, but even children can have type 2 diabetes.  With this type of diabetes, the body produces some insulin, but not as much as it needs to regulate sugar levels.

Gestational diabetes

This type of diabetes only affects pregnant women, hence, the name. It normally occurs late in a pregnancy and results from the hormonal changes taking place.

Risk factors for diabetes

There are a number of indicators of who may develop diabetes during their life. Some of these indicators include being obese, your race, your gender, and your age. Your physical fitness also plays a part, as how active you are will help determine your weight. People who exercise are less likely to develop diabetes than those who are sedentary.

Symptoms of diabetes

The main signs of diabetes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Increased thirst and hunger
  • Increasing need to urinate and increased quantity of urine produced
  • Blurry vision
  • Minor cuts and scratches take longer to heal than usual
  • Losing weight without any apparent reason
  • Being constantly tired

Treatment of diabetes

Typical treatment for diabetes includes:

  • Medication (primarily insulin)
  • Controlling and lowering your blood pressure
  • Lowering your cholesterol levels (especially LDL)
  • Exercising
  • Losing weight

Getting a diagnosis of diabetes can be difficult, but remember that with current medical advances, the outlook is better than ever. Diabetes, while serious, is controllable with proper diet, exercise, and following your doctor's orders. Taking steps to change the factors you can control that lead to developing diabetes is the first step to a healthier you.

To learn more go to Diabetes Medication and at Information On Diabetes

The Rights of The Diabetic - What They Are And How To Benefit From Them

There are a number of Acts that address the issue of discrimination against children and others with disabilities, especially in regard to education. In addition, you can help stop discrimination by educating the people who make decisions concerning your child. Sometimes situations of discrimination might arise out of the simple fact that many people aren't aware of what they're doing or saying. In many instances, the rights of the diabetic are abused simply out of ignorance.

Rights of the diabetic child

Sadly, the diabetic child may face challenges at school and at daycare just because of the condition. The diabetic child may be prevented from participating in sporting events even if they are good at what they do. 

The best way to deal with discrimination against the diabetic child is to educate the school or daycare community. The biggest reason for discrimination is normally a lack of knowledge. Once you let the offending parties know how to care for a child with diabetes, the issues should be put to rest. However, there will still be those who are afraid that something may go wrong and therefore prohibit the child from taking part in certain activities. In these instances, you may need mediation or even legal intervention. 

Discrimination and the diabetic adult

Workplace discrimination is one of the biggest challenges faced by the adult living with diabetes. Some adults may be bypassed for a promotion simply because they are diabetic and their employers feel that this may affect their performance.

Most, if not all, workplace anti-discrimination laws should address discrimination based on diabetes. However, you must be able to prove that discrimination really occurred and that it happened as a result of your illness.

Discrimination against diabetics is felt in different spheres of life. One area where this is most prevalent is in obtaining a driver's license. The fact that diabetics may have certain physical limitations if their disease is not managed properly is used as a reason not to issue a license. Yes, some diabetics do become hypoglycemic and find themselves unable to safely operate a vehicle, but this is not a frequent occurrence. Each diabetic who applies for a driver's license should be dealt with on an individual basis and not across the board.

People with diabetes have the right to own and operate a motor vehicle. Each individual should be assessed and medical records provided to highlight their medical history, as it concerns problems related to their illness. Only based on such a report should a decision be taken whether or not to issue a driver's license.

Fight against discrimination by educating employers and school officials about diabetes and any complications that may occur. Fear is the driving force behind some of the discrimination diabetics face daily. Once others understand and know more about diabetes their attitude may well change. If all else fails, seek legal representation to protect your rights. Getting the assistance of people in the political arena to call for new legislations is also another great way to protect your rights.

To learn more go to Diabetes And Pregnancy and at Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Male Yeast Infection Cured - Yeast Infection In Men

Male Yeast Infection is a reality to those suffering from it, even though women are the ones who get most of the attention. Below you will find natural treatments for male yeast infection that we have researched and found. No longer is over the counter drug necessary when there are several home remedies for curing yeast infection in men.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Do a colon cleanse. This cleans the colon of all the toxins and waste bacteria and neutralizes the body of any acidity. Yeast grow more in an acidic environment, so a good colon cleanse is a good way to start your treatment. Yeast is also considered to be toxin in the body and the cleansing the colon will help to get rid of it. While you are doing the colon cleanse, do not eat any dairy products, grain (gluten), soy, wheat, eggs, splenda, Trans fats or fructose or any foods that contain yeast.

Use Cold coconut oil (pressed) for male yeast infection treatment. It can be in the form of pills or in a bottle (liquid form) or even extra virgin coconut oil, which you can get at your local health food store. A 2001 study done by Gudmundur Bergsson, et. al (Anatomy Dept. , University of Iceland) proved that this helps to kill the yeast.

Oregano Oil has also been tested as a proven method of killing yeast. However, the results are more effective when the oregano oil contains more than 68% of carvacrol which is the most active ingredient in the product.

Tea Tree Oil and Cinnamon Oil are also two natural treatments that will kill the yeast infection in no time.

Eat Yogurt Daily for Yeast Infection Cure. Make sure this is a plain (no sugar added) yogurt. Yogurt is a good product for getting rid of male yeast infection. Most Yogurt products contain lactobacillus acidophilus. This is exactly what your body needs to ignite the "friendly bacterium". If you don’t like yogurt (as some people have a problem with lactose), then acidophilus pills are your next option. You can get these at any local health food store at minimal cost.

Take a hot sitz bath and include vinegar. This helps to sooth the skin and keeps it free of itching. Restoring the body’s PH balance helps to stop the growth of the yeast.

Garlic has properties that are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. At the occurrence of yeast infection, eat one clove of garlic that you buy from your grocery store each day or twice per day. I know this will taste horrible, but it is good for you in more sense than just one. Garlic is also good for sinuses. If you cannot stand the taste, then go the health food store and purchase garlic pills.

You can also apply the garlic directly to the affected area. Wrap the clove of garlic in gauze and tie it. You can lubricate it with tea tree oil and rub it on the area. to treat a vaginal infection can be done in a variety of ways.

Use herbs such as Chamomile, Goldenseal, Black Walnut and Licorice. These contain properties that are anti-bacterial. Some can be used internally and some externally with lukewarm water.

If you want to learn more about natural remedies for male yeast infections or other yeast infection cures, I highly recommend this website at 12 Hour Natural Cure For Yeast Infection and this covers all types of yeast infection, namely yeast infection in dogs, male yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, and yeast infection baby.

The Athlete and Diabetes - What Do They Need To Do To Manage Their Disease Successfully?

Diabetes has not stopped some of the world's greatest athletes from excelling at their chosen sports. As case in point, Arthur Ashe, Joe Frazier and Ty Cobb, three famous sporting personalities, were diabetics. Athletes with diabetes need to arm themselves with the information necessary to make informed choices concerning their health and the control of their diabetes. It is also important that coaches, school personnel, or sports administration know that an athlete is diabetic, as well being aware of the possible complications and treatment. If you are an athlete with diabetes, know that through proper control, your diabetes will not stop you from being a team player and doing well.

Athletes with diabetes compete in a wide variety of sports, including marathons, cycling, and football. What these athletes do, as should any person with diabetes wanting to compete in sports or exercise, is take responsibility for their disease. Taking responsibility means doing the following:

  • Testing your blood sugar before you start playing and right after you stop
  • Test every half hour while playing if the activity is intense
  • If your blood sugar levels are too high, avoid playing until you have lowered them through medication
  • Do not play immediately after eating.  A one-hour delay is advisable in most cases
  • Wear proper-fitting shoes as diabetics tend to have poor circulation

The diabetic athlete needs to form a partnership with their doctor, trainers, and others that directly impact their activities. Coaches and first aid personnel need to know the symptoms of complications that can affect a diabetic athlete, such as hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Believing that an emergency situation will never happen is irresponsible and can place others in a frightening situation while making them powerless to help you or control the problem.

The diabetic athlete should be in tune with his or her body, recognizing every signal that it sends. Seek medical help if you feel that something is wrong; it's always better to err on the side of caution. It is a good idea to get a medic alert bracelet so that help can be given if the need arises. Getting the support of your doctor is necessary, as he or she can provide you will valuable medical information. Becoming involved with support groups can be a great source of encouragement, especially if you are an adolescent.

To learn more go to Diabetes Association and at Gestational Diabetes

Free Stop Snoring Techniques For You

Getting free stop snoring advice from people who have been in your position could be the most valuable information that you could ever get. Some free stop snoring techniques that can help you stop snoring can be as simple as home remedies that can cure your snoring problem in no time at all.


Free Stop Snoring Solutions


The truth in regards to medicine and over the counter preparation that help stop snoring is that in most cases people do not need them. Many people can cure their own snoring problem with some snoring prevention techniques that can be put into practice in their everyday life. First, though, you will want to look into the reasons why you are snoring and this will determine what free stop snoring technique that will be best for you.


If you are overweight, then you probably have already found the cause of your snoring. Weight is a major factor in snoring, so to combat this problem and reduce the amount of snoring that you do every night, you will want to reduce your weight. You can do this with a healthy diet and exercise. Not only will you be getting your body healthy because of it, but you will also be able to free yourself from your snoring problem.


If weight is not your problem and you are still snoring, it may be the position that you are laying in at night. If you lie on your back every night to sleep, you will find that you probably snore more than if you fell asleep in some other position. If you want to correct this, you will want to practice sleeping on your side or on your stomach. If you keep rolling onto your back and snoring every night, you can put something behind your head like a pillow or a ball so that your head does not roll back and you won’t be able to sleep on your back again. This will train your body to sleep on your side so that you can quit snoring and get better sleep.


Specific substances such as alcohol, sleeping pills and smoking will also contribute to snoring. If you want to stop snoring, you will want to reduce the use of these substances, especially before bedtime.


Snoring is annoying problem, but it can be cured with some free stop snoring advice. If you find that the above suggestions do not help you and your snoring continues then it is advisable that you should see your doctor as there could be other problems that need to be looked at.

Do You Suffer From Common Warts?

the HPV virus

Many people get common warts during their lifetime. You can find young people, old people and everyone in between that have these types of warts. Warts also affect individuals with all different skin types. If you are someone who doesn't know a lot about warts and what causes them, then it can be helpful to learn about them, in case you or someone in your family is ever affected.

The most prevalent are the common warts. These warts do not normally cause any serious issues and are normally not cancerous. The common wart is caused by the HPV virus, also known as the Human Papilloma Virus. While these types of warts are the most common, there are many other types that can be found on different parts of a person's body. Plantar warts are found on the feet and can cause serious discomfort. Genital warts are found on the genital areas. These warts can be passed through sexual contact and can be cancerous.

A common wart is usually found on the hands. You may notice that it is close to one of your fingernails, especially on areas that may be dry or cracked. Some of them may have a bit of a bumpy appearance and a few people will even notice black dots. Because of their shape, some of these warts can often times get caught on your clothing or even gloves when you are trying to put them on.

If you are having problems with common warts, then you may want to speak to your doctor about the many ways to remove them. They can be removed with a laser or other minor surgical procedures. If you don't feel that you are ready to visit your physician, then there are actually many natural products that you can try that claim to remove these unsightly bumps. There are many over the counter medications that can also offer relief for this issue. While not all of them will remove the wart permanently, there are actually products out there that can solve the problem.