Monday, December 8, 2008

How To Prevent Yeast Infection - Simple And Fast Tips

It will come as no surprise to you that no one likes having a yeast infection. Having such a condition is not only unpleasant but can be disrupting to your daily activities and even be a source of embarrassment in some cases. There are many things you can do to prevent yeast infection. The most simple changes include altering your diet and hygiene routines. If you know how to prevent yeast infections, you can be prepared and you can prevent yourself from a lot of suffering.

Yeast grows best in warm, damp places. As a result, the vaginal area provides the ideal environment for the yeast fungi to grow more rapidly than anywhere else on the body. Therefore, you should keep your vaginal area as dry as you can. Dry off completely after taking a shower, exercising, or swimming. Don't keep wet clothing on any longer than necessary. You should not give yeast any extra chances to grow.

Certain steps that will prevent yeast infections have been devised by experts on yeast infection. Simply following some of these ideas can redice the chances of getting a yeast infection, ranging from the types of foods you eat to basic health procedures. Keeping the body clean and hygienic is a vital factor in preventing yeast infections from occurring. You really need to do this all the time, whether you have an infection or not. It would also be a good idea for you to wash your hands every time you visit the bathroom.

An excellent way of preventing yeast infection is to only wear clothing that are made of lightweight, natural materials which provides enough ventilation. There's more of a chance that yeast will grow rapidly and excessively in the vaginal area because of the woman wearing skintight jeans or pants and clothes made of nylon or spandex. Cotton is the best type of clothing to wear as it allows air to pass through the fabric reducing the chance of yeast growing. In order to prevent a yeast infection, it is wise to wear cotton panties instead of nylon ones, as moisture is more likely to be trapped in nylon panties, encouraging the growth of yeast. Pantyhose is also not recommended unless cotton panties are worn underneath.

There are many feminine products that can contribute to the development of a yeast infection. From scented pads or tampons to feminine sprays and deodorants, many products on the market can unknowingly facilitate the rapid growth of yeast in the vaginal area. Douches are best avoided as they can cause the lining of the vagina to be removed hence removing a natural cleaner and barrier to yeat growth.

As sugary foods are also capable of triggering the proliferation of yeast it would be wise to check your sugar intake. Many studies have revealed that yeast tends to grow faster if the blood and digestive system has a higher sugar level. To satisfy your craving for sugar you may take a yogurt snack, but it's better to avoid sugar. The micro organisms that yogurt contains counters the growth of yeast. The easy way for prevention of yeast growth is to eat a cup of yogurt every day.

Preventing yeast infection is a better strategy than having to treat a full blown infection. By adopting a few of the ideas listed above, women can significantly reduce the chances of yeast infections occurring. This can remove the potential physical and mental anguish that is often associated with the condition. Just a few easy steps can work wonders in keeping yeast infections away.

Learn more about yeast infection, including symptoms of a severe yeast infection and fast relief for yeast infection by visiting cure a yeast infection

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