Thursday, April 26, 2007

Natural Remedies And Treatments For Allergies

When allergies strike, most allergy sufferers head to the drugstore where they purchase an antihistamine. They take it, and soon their symptoms begin to subside. They’re all set until the next outburst.

Over-the-counter antihistamines are effective but unfortunately, taking them often causes unpleasant side effects such as drowsiness and a feeling of lethargy. If you’re tired of feeling tired when allergies strike, maybe it’s time you reach for natural allergy remedies instead.

Natural allergy remedies come in all forms and are made from many different types of ingredients including herbs, plants, ground up honey bees, and other vitamins and nutrients. Most natural allergy remedies have been designed to either stop histamine outbursts from occurring in the first place, or they act to combat the individual symptoms that occur with the release of histamines. They accomplish these tasks naturally, which is why unpleasant side effects are non-existent.

Besides treating allergy symptoms with all-natural ingredients, the term “natural allergy remedies” has come to mean something more. In addition to being a natural and effective way to treat allergy symptoms after they develop, the term can be used to describe taking control of your surroundings so that you limit exposure to the allergens that cause you trouble. For example, if pet dander is a problem, don’t keep pets. Or if you must, you’ve got to be vigilant about keeping pet dander under control. Likewise with dust mites. You need to protect your furnishings with casings that keep this type of problem under wraps.

Watching what you eat is important if you’ve got food allergies, so taking steps to control your diet can also be considered a natural allergy remedy. In addition to closely monitoring what you eat, there also are foods you can consume that are known to contain naturally-occurring histamine combatants. For example, Quercitin, a flavinoid found in onions and apples, is capable of blocking the release of histamines which cause the familiar allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. Besides being effective against allergies, there are countless other health benefits of eating these and other types of fruits and vegetables, like lowering your risk of developing heart disease and keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

If you’re like a lot of people and find that monitoring what you eat is too much work, then consider taking a daily multi-vitamin. Many of the vitamins and minerals benefit the immune system which in turn helps keeps the symptoms of allergies under control.

With so many natural allergy remedies being offered, understanding the ingredients as well as the actual benefits of each can be mind-boggling. Even though these types of products are available without a prescription, if you’re confused, it might be advisable to speak with an allergist or someone who specializes in natural remedies. These specialists can help explain how each of the individual ingredients work and why they’re thought to be effective. This type of information may help you decide whether natural allergy remedies are right for you.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Cure for the common Cold and Flu

The Cure For The Common Cold And It's FREE

The usual routine for me for any given winter is, especially if I forget my flu shot is this. Get cold or flu like symptoms and keep them on and off for a month or so. Well this is no way to live. We all live in a very fast paced world and we really need to be on the move and get things done. We don’t have time for down time. Right?

The cure for the common cold is something that has eluded mankind for thousands of years. Chicken soup Vitamin C and a host of other natural remedies have been used for years to fight this formidable foe. But that is all that other remedies can do, try to make the suffering a bit better. What this simple cure does is to put the BAM on the cold, it in effect annihilates it! I noticed another very interesting benefit… it seems to act like a flu shot that protects you for another 2 months or so. Now that’s cool!

So what is this miracle cure? Garlic. Yes Garlic. I have been amazed at how so many nutritionists and health conscious people like Jack La Lane referred to Garlic as Natures antibiotic. So, One day my wife and I were working and had an upcoming event, which we really needed to be well for. We just couldn’t be sick! So what could we do…Huuuuum. We remembered the power of Garlic and made a juice consisting of:

½ a Head of Garlic – Or a handful of cloves (yes be generous)
2 Large Carrots

We put all of this through our juicer and drank it. Boy was that hard to gawk down. But low and behold within hours we were cured. And all symptoms were erradicated by the next day.

We later found that the Onion is really good for allergies so we removed that from our recipe. This made the juice easier to choke down.
We found that it makes things better if you have some tasty Carrot/Apple juice nearby as a chaser. And if your stomach feels like heaving, eating a bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal should help.

So the final brew now consists of:

½ a Head of Garlic – Or a handful of cloves (You can experiment with less)
2 Large Carrots
1 Lemon

Chase it with juice that consists of:

6 Large Carrots
4 Apples

And have some solid food ready if your stomach cannot handle this onslaught

There are of coarse some negative side affects:

1. Some erupting
2. You will smell like Garlic the next day which means sleeping on the couch.
Suggestion: Drink this on a night where you know that the next day you will not come in contact with many People. Hay no remedy is perfect.
I just make a joke about it for example: Yah just take me and rub me on your toasted bread… etc.

Look at it like this. When you were young your mommy or daddy gave you a spanking when you were bad right? Did the pain last forever? No it lasted for a few moments. Did it help you to become a responsible adult? Yes. So just look at like a spanking (not the abusive kind of coarse). This juice will taste bad for but a few moments but the positive effects are far reaching.

There are of coarse some Positive side affects:

1. You eradicate the Cold from your body.
2. You enjoy immunity from other colds for about 2 months.

PLEASE NOTE: Always remember Consult with your Doctor before trying this or any of the other natural remedies that you might decide to try from this Site. And of course your results may vary. Thank You.

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