Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Areas Of Life and Health Effect People Living With Diabetes?

No one, no matter how young or old, likes to hear that they are diabetic, but the truth is, diabetes strikes all different sorts of individuals and sometimes, without any warning or pattern that people can avoid. A positive diabetes test result is also difficult for your loved ones to hear and can be hard to cope with. However, being responsible for your own health despite having diabetes means you can still live a long and fruitful life.

Diabetes, if left untreated, can lead to a number of medical complications, including blood flow reduction that may result in the loss of limb. Many diabetics end up losing a leg or toe because of restricted blood flow. Once you have diabetes, if you do not control your sugar levels, your eyes and teeth can be destroyed. Diabetes can make it difficult to operate a motor vehicle or even work effectively in some jobs. If you have to be treated at a hospital, no matter what the reason, tell the authorities that you need special attention because of your diabetic status.

Other health issues

Other issues of concern to the diabetic are their dental health, skin care, weight issues, and hospitalization. Not many diabetics realize that the illness can affect their teeth. The diabetic who practices good dental hygiene and keeps his or her blood sugar levels normal is at little risk of having major dental problems. Because of the special needs a diabetic has, if you are hospitalized for any reason, you need to ensure that hospital personnel knows your status. Wearing a medic alert bracelet can make the difference between life and death in the event of a medical emergency.

How to live with diabetes

The first step in learning to live with diabetes is learning all you can about the disease.  Armed with this knowledge, you can plan your life and activities to ensure that you control diabetes and let it control you. Once you have accepted the fact that you have diabetes, you need to be determined to do whatever you can to live a normal life. Having diabetes does not mean that you cannot have a family, play sports, or have a career of your choice.

Living with diabetes means that you have to make a decision to personally ensure that you are as healthy as possible. One of the necessary changes a diabetic must make to ensure a long life is to develop a plan of action. This means becoming organized as to what to eat and how much daily physical activity is necessary. Keeping contact details for doctors, others to contact in case of an emergency, and resource websites handy is a necessary step.

To learn more go to Childhood Diabetes and at Managing Diabetes

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