Getting sleep apnea treatment is crucial for sufferers because this disorder will impact more than just your nocturnal sleep habits. It can leave you feeling lethargic and unable to function normally. Sleep apnea is a very serious sleep disorder that requires immediate treatment. Because it is a progressive illness, the symptoms can worsen and eventually lead to other health symptoms and conditions that can be life threatening. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or suspect that you have it, then read on for more information on treatment options and their possible side effects.
There currently is no proven sleep medicine for sleep apnea. However, there are four basic approaches to treatment. Firstly, doctors recommend changing the circumstances which may be causing the apnea. This would include suggesting that the patient lose weight, quit smoking and avoid alcohol and sedative drugs. The sufferer should also get into a regular sleeping schedule and try to sleep only on their side. The second and most common treatment option is in using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in the upper airway to support and hold the airway open. This involves wearing a CPAP mask over the nose. The mask provides a supply of continuously flowing air via a flexible plastic hose from a CPAP machine.
The third treatment option is the use of a dental splint. One of the reasons for the upper airway to become narrowed at night is because the tongue falls posteriorly. Using a dental splint at night prevents the jaw and tongue from moving back. However, oral devices have not proven to be as effective, as CPAP and the appliances can be uncomfortable. The fourth and most extreme form of apnea treatment is surgery. This kind of procedure increases the size of the upper airway. It usually involves removal of the part of the soft palate that hangs down in the back of the throat, as well as the tonsils if present, and other soft tissue if it is felt to be excessive. This procedure is usually reserved for patients with severe sleep apnea.
Once you've been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it's important that you pursue treatment immediately. Failing to do so could result in further serious medical conditions like high blood pressure, depression, diabetes and heart disease. It's also important to follow your prescribed treatment faithfully. While wearing a dental splint or a CPAP mask may seem uncomfortable at first, you'll soon get used to it. A few nights of discomfort will be worth it once you see how continually getting a restful night of sleep is improving your overall health. People who have undergone sleep apnea treatment have reported fewer headaches, clearer thinking, improved performance at work and better moods.
Sleep apnea treatment will improve both your sleep and your quality of life, so it's important to seek help as soon as you can. You'll immediately notice that you feel healthier and more rested. If you have any problems with your treatment, then contact your doctor or your sleep specialist. He or she can give you advice that will make your treatment a simple part of your day that you can't live without.
For those who are able to get a good nights sleep it is unthinkable for somebody to suffer from insomnia or be exhausted all of the time. Sleep disorders strike millions of Americans and many more people more across the world. The disorders can range from normal snoring all the way sleep apnea. It can put almost unbearable stress on a marriage if one individual's sleeping sounds excessively affect the other. Intense disorders can likewise become a danger to your life. One of the method to ease your nighttime suffering is to obtain as much information and assistance as possible. You can begin getting the assistance you are in need of by clicking here:
Ways To Cure Insomnia and more information at Facts About Insomnia and Sleep Disorder Clinic