Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Can You Cure Your Impotence? Find Out Here...

If you're unlucky enough to suffer from impotence, the good news is that it is possible to cure your problem naturally and without drugs (such as the blue pills that get advertised in all that spam that arrives daily). There are some natural cures for impotence available to you.

Naturally it makes sense to talk to your doctor as well as it's possible that another disease, such as diabetes, is affecting your body and the first outward sign is your inability to get an erection.

If you're a smoker, cut down your cigarette intake. Or better still, stop smoking completely. You've probably become immune to those ever-scarier health warnings on the packets. They're trying to help and they are actually correct. The trouble with smoking cigarettes is that reduces the oxygen in your blood supply. And your blood supply is a critical component in getting an erection to happen.

Alcohol has the same problem. "Brewers droop" wasn't a term invented for fun one evening and that's exactly what alcohol does for you. If you regularly drink socially, swap a soft drink or two into your drinking routine. Aside from the person the other side of the bar, no-one will have any idea that rum and Coke is pure cola.

If you're on any prescription drugs, find out exactly what the side effects are either on the web or on the sheet that comes with them. If any of the stated side effects are - or could be - impotence or erection problems, talk to your doctor to see whether you can swap your medication.

Take some exercise - a regular trip to the gym or a swim or a jog all help. But exercise the part of your body that's causing you problems - you can find a number of exercises to help with your impotence here..

Chill more. It's likely that anxiety is at least contributing to your performance problem. After all, the more you worry about being impotent, it's more likely that it will happen to you. Hypnosis for impotence is an excellent way to relax and help with your problem.

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