Sunday, November 23, 2008

Coping With And Dealing With Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Introduction To The Sleep Lab - Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

Like other sleep disorders, sleep apnea syndrome impacts the quality of your rest and leaves you sleepy during the day. However, if left untreated, then the condition can lead to other health problems that can be life threatening. Thankfully, there are a number of treatments available. If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, then read on for a list of symptoms to look for and options for treating the disorder.

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of apnea and is due to an obstruction in the throat during sleep. The narrowing of the upper airway can be a result of several factors including inherent physical characteristics, excess weight, and alcohol consumption before sleep. Central sleep apnea is caused by a delay in the signal from the brain to breath. With both obstructive and central apnea you must wake up briefly to breathe, sometimes hundreds of times during the night. Usually there is no memory of these brief awakenings.

Sleep apnea syndrome can lead to life threatening illnesses if it's not treated properly. Consequently, it's important to know the signs. Loud snoring and gasping are the most common symptoms. Patients also frequently complain of excessive daytime sleepiness, headaches, night sweats, and having to go to the bathroom several times during the night. The side effects of sleep apnea range from mild to severe and include high blood pressure, depression, difficulty concentrating and reduced libido. More severe cases can lead to heart attacks, strokes, irregular heartbeat and heart disease. In addition to the health impact, sleep deprivation can impact your life socially.

A sleep test, called polysomnography is usually done in a sleep disorder center to diagnose sleep apnea. Mild cases of sleep apnea syndrome are usually treated by some behavioral changes like losing weight or sleeping on your side. There are also mouth devices that can help keep the airway open by bringing the jaw forward, elevating the soft palate or preventing the tongue from falling back into the airway and blocking breathing. Moderate to severe sleep apnea is usually treated with a CPAP mask and a CPAP machine. This machine blows air into your nose via a nose mask, keeping the airway open and unobstructed. Some people have facial deformities that may cause the sleep apnea. There are several other surgical apnea treatments like removing excess tissue to clear the airway, moving the tongue forward, and moving the upper and lower jaw forward.

Patients who have been treated for sleep apnea syndrome usually report greater alertness and less daytime sleepiness. They also are in a better mood and perform better at work. Besides improving your quality of life, getting prompt treatment for sleep apnea can prevent numerous other illness. You'll be able to sleep better knowing that you're taking care of your health.

Do not let sleep disorders destroy your health as well as your relationships. Many couples have been forced to sleep in bedrooms that are separate since one of the partners had serious snoring problems. Snoring is a sign of a health problem and if it is severe enough, can be life threatening. Some patients must sleep with special breathing machines to push oxygen into their inner lungs. Problems resulting from lack of sleep has the potential to be very serious. If you have chronic trouble sleeping, feel overly exhausted regardless of how many hours of sleep you have gotten or have individuals protesting about your snoring, you must get the right information. Find that information by going here:

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