Sunday, January 4, 2009

3 Quick Techniques To Relieve Your Back Pain

Back pain relief

Your back suffers the most, if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Add mental stress, bad posture or injury to it and you have the perfect concoction to induce chronic back pain. Whatever the cause maybe, back pain can wreck havoc in one's personal and professional life. Physically, it can make a person feel weak and lethargic. Psychologically, it can cause increased anxiety, irritability and sometimes even depression.

How to cure Back Pain

Massage therapy

Massage therapy is an effective yet side-effect free treatment for dealing with back pain. It helps in alleviating back pain by manipulating the area around the neck and back with pressure, vibration or motion. You could choose from a number of traditional and modern massage therapies.

Massage can be very effective in releiving stress, however as a lot of back pains actually stem from psychological issues, and often start in the mind a massage only treats the symptoms, and offers temporary relief - the back pains will return as the cause has not been eliminates.

Stress busting techniques

Dealing with stress is extremely important in order to bid goodbye to chronic back pain. Exercise, meditation and yoga can all help in relieving the mind and body of stress and pain.

Working with the subconscious- Subliminal messages

Another technique suggested by some experts to relieve stress and get rid of back pain ithrough the use of subliminal self help. These subliminal messages are beyond the perception of the conscious mind but have the power to influence the subconscious. They may be embedded in music, text or video. The most commonly used instruments used for subliminal messaging (for self help purposes) are audio cds. Messages in these cds are played above above 20,000 Hz - i.e. the level at which humans can consciously hear, and are usually hidden behind music, or played in reverse so they can not be consciously heard / understood. People who have used subliminal messaging claim it has improved their resistence to stress and helped them focus on the positives and clearly focus on getting better again.

Your mind is perhaps the most powerful organ in your body. The power of the mind can not only help alleviate pain but can also help in curing diseases. The best way to deal with pain is to focus on getting better and being pain free ironically - and yes this involves a lot of mental strength, both consciously and unconsciously.


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