Thursday, January 15, 2009

Subliminal Messaging Mp3s Will Improve Your Immune System Effortlessly

Are you always getting ill? Do whether changes affect you more that others around you? Are you always the first person to catch a cold if there is one going around? Do you always take a long time to heal fully? If the answer is yes thenneed to work on boosting your natural immunity. The following tips may help:

Exercise regularly- Regular exercise keeps your body fit and makes your bones and muscles stronger and a healthy body acts as a strong shield against diseases. Moreover during exercise chemicals known as endorphins are released in our bodies. When you are feeling good about yourself, stress (which weakens your immune system), is kept away and you stay healthy.

Positive affirmations - Our own negative beliefs are the very reason for our lower levels of immunity. For instance, if we believe that we are week and prone to diseases, our body will feel weak and that is an open invitation to illness and diseases! Sometimes we may even manage to fool our minds into believing we are sick with our negative thoughts.

Thinking positive or positive affirmations on the other hand can mitigate the side-effects of illnesses. Even doctors advise their patients to focus on feeling better to help them recover from sickness. This is because how we feel depends a lot on the state of our mind. Positive affirmations help in improving our mental state so that our body focuses on building it’s resistance to diseases. The following positive affirmations can help in building one’s immunity:

“I feel fit and strong”

“My body has power to heal itself”

Subliminal messages- Our subconscious is extremely powerful and is believed to influence all our mind and body functions. Subliminal messages work as they are said to have the power to influence and reprogram the subconscious. These messages may be in the form of audio and are always moved above the level of our hearing potential. Subliminal audio can help your immune system in several ways:

  • It will help you beat your illness as quickly as possible and recover faster than you normally would.

  • Uses messages to boost your immune system in the long run: to stop you from getting ill as often in the future

It has been rightly said that worry and sickness lie in the mind, once the mind decides to evict them; nothing can prevent us from feeling healthy and happy - so improve your health by giving yourself a subliminal immune system boost today!

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