Monday, January 12, 2009

Hemorrhoids Relief: 3 Options for removing this annoying problem.

If you would rather be rid of hemorrhoids, it's perfectly understandable. Yes, they hurt, they are annoying and they are inconvenient! If you have ever endured the pain and aggravation of hemorrhoids, it's no wonder you are eager to get rid of them! Anyone who has not had to deal with hemorrhoids cannot relate.

There are several options available for hemroid relief; actually three alternatives. I have tried two of them and seen the damage done by the third.

The first treatment is one you probably know -- creams, gels and suppositories such as Preparation H.

Even though they don't cure hemorrhoids, they do offer some benefits. In my own experience suppositories are better than the ointment, even for hemorrhoids that are external. You probably also have internal hemorrhoids too, and these will need to be treated as well, to get the relief you need. These methods are very easy, though unpleasant; just go to the drug store and you are ready.

Because my blood pressure went up as a result of using this treatment, I had to seek a different method of treatment. Chemical treatments for medical conditions usually have side effects. Also, this product did not eliminate my hemorrhoids, it only treated the symptoms for a little while. Lastly, this item can not be used if there is bleeding with the hemorrhoids.

Another option is to have an operation to have the hemorrhoids removed with surgery.

This was recommended by my doctor, but I chose not to do it. My father had this surgery and he said he was in excruciating pain for several days. He likened it to "hooks tearing into my butt". After hearing what happened to my father, I was determined to avoid surgery and I think you should do the same. It is not essential.

The last way is using a natural hemorrhoid treatment, I got my information from a book called H Miracle

Although I was initially skeptical, natural remedies actually do work. The superior benefits amazed me. They are inexpensive, and they work quickly and get rid of the hemorrhoids.

On the negative side, it takes a bit of effort to investigate which natural hemorrhoid treatments are effective and which ones are useless. I do not recommend that you believe everything that you read; you should stick to reliable information and verify everything that you read.

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