Saturday, December 27, 2008

Discover these Pieces of Advice to Prevent Cold Sores

With so many people that get colds sores, it's no wonder there's so many searches for "cold sore cure" done on the internet each month.  Cold sores are one of the most frustrating skin conditions out there and anybody who has ever had one understands how devastating they are to your self image.

So we're going to show you a couple of tips you can use to not only prevent cold sores, but also things you can do to stop cold sores when they pop up.  I know of many people who want to do nothing but stay home whenever they get an outbreak.  They can ruin your appearance and make you feel ugly.  I don't mean to sound harsh, but that's the reality.  Hopefully these tips help to fight off any cold sores from entering your life.

You may not that the sun can be a cause of cold sores?  For this reason, try to wear sunscreen around your mouth.  It's easy to locate lip balms or chapsticks that have SPF protection - make a point to invest in one of these and apply it often.  Even if the sun isn't beating down it's still important to use it.  It's the UV rays that will cause a cold sore and these rays are still present even when the sun isn't shining bright.

Second, carry an antibacterial lotion with you and use it every couple of hours.  There are specific types of bacteria that are proven to cause cold sores, so it's important to always make sure your hands are free of bacteria.  You are constantly touching your face throughout the day so the last thing you want to do is transfer some gunk to your face that leads to a cold sore!  Using an antibacterial gel will help fight off those nasty germs.

Those were just two tips that can make a big difference in the fight against cold sores.  They will help prevent new cold sores from popping up and give you an added level of protection in addition to your regular treatments.

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