Friday, December 5, 2008

Healing Your Minor Injury With Home Skin Care

Home skin care is very essential especially when you get a minor injury in your home. As a good home remedies, it can completely cure your injury so that you may not need to go to hospital, but it does need to take care of. Of course, when we have sicness or other ailments, defense against the sickness will be our first line. It means that we really should include the caring of our skin as one of our priorities. There are many home made skin care solutions from botanical as the home skin care remedies. By the home made skin care, there are some medical solutions that are included in standard first aid treatments. This could be a choice for your home skin care.

There are a lot of the home skin care benefits for you. Many of the common injuries that may happen in the home include cuts and scrapes, minor burns, and bruises. Healinga each of the injuries needs only short time and the home skin care remedies are easy to be found.

Curing Your Cuts or Scrapes

Cuts and Scrapes are very common injuries that happened in the home. Using antiseptic and antibiotic will be usual solutions of this medical treatments. It can help in discouraging infection and inflammation. You can try to use fresh yarrow leaves, mixture of lavender and tea tree oil and fresh-pounded garlic as the home skin care remedies. The yarrow leaves can be crushed or bruised in the hand and then applied or pressed on the scrape or minor wound for a few minutes.

Use the mixture of lavender and tea tree oil to wash a wound. Just make a compose of half a cup of water mixed with five drops of tea tree oil and five drops of lavender. This home skin care solution can be used to swab the wound or scrape to get rid of bacteria and other harmful impurities. Though it is famous for minor wounds, yet this home skin care solution can be deep puncture wounds. You may really need a doctor's attention. To disinfect a slight wound, you can use garlic. You just crush one or two cloves of garlic and then apply to scrape or wound as a home skin care solution.

Curing Your Minor Burns

Do you know already that Aloe Vera, bananas, honey and an ice pack are also usually used as home skin care for minor burns ? Well, you need to break off a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and then applying it directly on the minor burn. It's really helpful as your home skin care treatment for burns. While to ease the sting and the pain or until skin appearance improves, you can mash ripe bananas and then apply them on the mirror burn. As a home skin care remedy, honey is supposed to spread a thin layer on the burn and cover with a light bandage. Just like using a dry facial skin care, you need to repeat this process several times until the skin looks better. The ice pack home skin care solution can really a no brainer, although it is only for burns that have not gone through the first layer of skin.

Curing Your Bruises

One more thing as a good information for curing your bruises is by using Arnica. For healing bruises, the arnica may be a very good home skin care remedy. This botanical is a homeopathic that can be applied on the bruise at least three to four times a day. And you will find the bruise disappear quickly. Besides, the pain will also be subsided soon enough as well when you use this Arnica as your home skin care.

To get more information about skin care see :


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