Monday, December 8, 2008

Yeast Infection Symptoms and Dangers

If you think that you may have a yeast infection, it is vital that you visit your physician as soon as possible for a yeast infection test. Your doctor will probably ask you a few questions, and then administer one or more yeast infection tests to confirm a diagnosis. Neither a bacterial nor a yeast infection presents a direct hazard to your health, and it can also be treated during pregnancy. Yeast infections are more common during pregnancy due to the effect of pregnancy hormones on the vaginal environment. This Yeast Infection No More book goes into more detail.

Babies, pregnant women, men, dogs and even teenagers are at risk for external yeast infection. This can happen under the skin, in the mouth, genital areas, lower abdomen and other areas of the body that are prone to moisture. Condoms will not prevent the spread of a yeast infection. Certain creams that are used to fight yeast infections can damage latex condoms, which in turn can lead to spreading the infection to your partner and a potential unwanted pregnancy. According to some natural cures of Yeast Infection No More, Yogurt is a good product for getting rid of your yeast infection. This is exactly what your body needs to ignite the friendly bacterium.

As a parent you should always remain alert for the signs and symptoms of yeast infections. It may not be fatal, but if you do not attend to it at the right time, it might develop into something worse at a later stage. Diflucan is used for several yeast infection sites, but can not be taken if pregnant or breast feeding. Dizziness, hypotension, blistering rashes, jaundice, flu like symptoms, seizures, and so on are some of the potential side effects. Others develop yeast infection every time they take antibiotics. Once an antibiotic-induced yeast infection has set in there is no way out but to treat it.

Along with these Yeast Infection No More treatments, you also need to learn about the importance of diet. If you have a yeast infection, you will really want to deal with it as soon as possible. One of the most common symptoms of a yeast infection in women is a vaginal burning or itching sensation, particularly after urination. This symptom often makes women mistake the ailment as being a urinary tract infection, however the way to tell the difference is by figuring out where it hurts while you are urinating.

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