Friday, December 5, 2008

Do You know The Symptoms Of Yeast Infection ?

Although it is a common condition, a yeast infection can vary in terms of duration and severity from one person to the next. While the reason why a yeast infection happens is the same, the causes may be different from individual to individual and require a different treatment. Thus, applying a home cure may not always be a wise option if it is the first time you have had an infection. It could even be harmful or be ineffective in treating the infection. Whenever you have the common symptoms of yeast infection or many symptoms point to this fact, then you should consult your doctor for a formal examination and professional treatment.

Candida, which most people know as yeast, occurs naturally on humans. It grows well in moist areas like the mouth and vagina because these are often ideal conditions for such fungi. Most research suggests that it is common for women to have yeast in or around the vaginal area. In fact, research suggests that nearly half of the female population have yeast in this part of their body's. The question then occurs, if yeast in the vagina is natural, why is yeast infection such a common problem ? There are a number of causes, one of which is the fact that there's excess yeast growth in that area. Another cause is when new yeast bacteria come in contact with the same area.

Oral contraceptives, scented soaps and other perfumed beauty products can make the body more susceptible to a candida or yeast infection. If you have the metabolic disorder diabetes, which means the inability to control blood sugar, then you may also have an increased chance of getting a yeast infection.

Several signs will suggest that there is a good chance you have a yeast infection in your private parts. A common early sign of a probable yeast infection is itchiness around the affected area. Other symptoms may be excessive itchiness as a primary indication, though. Some other things to look out for are soreness and burning. Another relevant indicator of an infection is pain during intercourse.

One symptom of yeast infection is that you may experience some pain during urination.Keep in mind that you should not dismiss pain that is new or unexplained. You may have another condition that is more serious than yeast infection so it makes sense to get a formal diagnosis.In terms of reference, pain in the vulvar area is referred to as vulvodynia.

Vaginal discharge might indicate that a yeast infection is also present. Having said this, vaginal discharge is not always a symptom of yeast infection so don't look for this exclusively. Still, it's something you must note. The discharge is white in color and without odor. Its appearance and texture is like that of cottage cheese.

Once you recognize a yeast infection and get suitable treatment, it is almost certain that the condition will be healed and you will stop experiencing any pain or other symptoms. Although, this is not always the case. If someone has had a yeast infection before there is a good chance they will get it again, approximately a 1 in 20 chance in fact. Other medical problems may be a cause of these recurring infections.

Learn more about yeast infections, including and fast relief for yeast infection by visiting yeast infection cure

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