Monday, December 29, 2008

Snoring Remedies

There are many people that have been snoring for their entire lives and have thought that nothing could be done to stop their snoring.  Today, there are many different snoring remedies and devices that can be used by people who are trying to find out how to stop snoring so that they can feel more rested and their partner can as well.  Snoring is a problem in an estimated forty-five percent of the population, some of whom may have sleep apnea without knowing it, which is a danger to their very lives.


There are different snoring remedies on the market to stop snoring in individuals.  Snoring is caused by different things such as blocked nasal passages, deviated septum, the base of the tongue falling back into the throat, or enlarged tonsils or uvula.  The sound of snoring is caused by the vibrating palate and throat tissues.

Many people can solve their problem by changing things about their lifestyle.  Alcohol, smoking and overeating all contribute to snoring problems.  One way to reduce it is by not overeating just before bedtime, not eating dairy products within a few hours of going to bed, exercising more often, and reducing the intake of caffeine.

Other Treatments For those who do not have sleep apnea but want to stop snoring, there are some simple treatments that they can try.  One is to monitor what they are eating before bed so that they do not eat too much in the evening and also decrease their intake of alcohol, dairy products as well as caffeine.  In addition, getting more exercise and not smoking will also help to stop snoring.

There are pillows and mattresses on the market that are designed to help a person learn to sleep on their sides instead of their backs which helps to stop snoring.  In addition, there are devices such as chin straps that can train people to breathe out of their noses during the night instead of their mouths, which also is beneficial in stopping snoring.  Throat sprays, nasal dilators and mouth pieces can also help to clear airways and open nasal passages so that the snoring problem is reduced or stopped altogether.

Find more information on sleep disorders go to Prozac Insomnia as well as Insomnia Hypnosis

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